Monday, July 18, 2011

Half way there!!

Wow I haven't blogged in a while! SO SORRY. What a crazy couple weeks... let's start from my last post...

I would say half way threw week 3 is when things got difficult for me. By difficult I mean waking up at 5:30 become difficult and I ended up going to afternoon classes. This continued threw week 4! Week 5 is not only the half way mark in the program but it was also the midway evaluation week. When week 5 came around I was determined to get up early every morning... as it turned out I didn't make it to any 6am class! Between being exhausted from traveling all Sunday, to my alarm not going off then when I got up extra early to make sure I'd get to class Miss A woke up so I had to feed her and then missed. Thank goodness I was able to go to afternoon classes all but one day!

        Saturday was the sit-ups, push ups and running day! I knew I would do better than my original evaluation, I mean I wanted to pout in a corner after only being able to do 8 sit-ups. The first thing we did was sit-ups and I was so nervous... I wanted to do SO much better than I did the first time and I was nervous if I didn't more than double my previous number it would disappointed me. I was paired with someone from a different class time that I didn't know, She would get to a certain number and then just stop and say it's only 5 weeks. Even though she beat her previous number I wanted to smack her... Why not just try your best? UGH whatever I didn't let it bother me more than a split second! I was able to do sit ups the entire 1 minute... where before I had to stop at least 3/4 the way through. I was able to do 26 sit-ups!! More than 3 times my previous number. It took every part of me to prevent myself from crying! I was so proud of myself!! Push ups I did 20 more than before.
      When it came to the mile run I was SO excited (Internet sarcasm). I didn't have a time goal but for 10 weeks I wanted to be able to run the entire mile so I made it my goal to run 3/4 or the mile. As I was running you can see the .5 mile mark and as I was running I just kept thinking half way, half way, you can stop running half way. Half way mark came around and that turned into... your going down hill you can keep going to the stop sign. At the stop sign it was you can make it; run the whole way! Then I was trying to determine where to start my last push at the end... After the stop sign there's a double turn like an S after that I kicked it into a sprint to the finish mark... Towards the end I was trying not to fall over; but I made it and improved my time 1 minute and 15 seconds!! This was just what I needed to motivate me the next 5 weeks! I'm pumped to get the 10 week results and I'm hoping to continue with FIT (Farrell's Infinite Transformation) and who knows maybe even the year challenge! So here is my stats below....

Body Measurements:
Chest      Lost 2.5"
Waist      Lost 4"
Arm        Lost 1.25"
Thigh      Lost 2.5"
Hips        Lost 2.25"

Weight              8 lbs lost
Body Fat %      2% lost

Push-ups           48 (19 more)
Sit-ups              26 (18 more)
Sit & Reach      24" (3" more)
Mile                  10:29 (1 minute 16sec improvement)

Thank you everyone for your support in the past 5 weeks I'm half way done and I know I can keep running the rest of the way!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Well hello! Where have you been the past year?

     Week 2 is almost to an end. I personally can see or at least feel a change in the way my clothes fit! Like I said in my last blog post I now require a belt but better yet that belt needs a new hole!!  Yippee Skippy!! Kick boxing class Wednesday (w/ instructor Steve) was amazing! It was a phenomenal workout! I don't think I've ever sweat SO much in my life! I love how working out feels afterwards even though while doing the work out I'm wondering if I'll keel over!

    Today I tried on a pair of my FAVORITE jeans from about a year ago that I haven't been able to fit into...They fit I mean they were snug but even being able to pull them all they way up I would have been happy about but I could sing for being able to zip them also!! As I looked into the mirror at my rear in these jeans I thought "well hello booty where have you been the past year?" :) I couldn't be happier with Farrell's at this time! Brad and I were talking and he said if you've improved this much already can you imagine what you'll look like in an other 8 weeks?

      Fuel Log (Food log) - I am doing alright with this but it's really hard getting used to completely changing your eating habit and knowing what I can or should eat! That's really my goal right now to focus on that. I need to prepare everything the day before but that's difficult managing my time in putting the kiddos to sleep and then going down stairs to do every thing but even if I prepare 1 or 2 meal (out of my 3 meals & 3 snacks) it seems to help a ton!! I went to Hy-Vee (grocery store) to do a nutrition tour today... to bad I set the wrong time in my phone for it so I will have to go a different day I was bummed because I was really looking forward to go!

    Today I tried on a pair of my FAVORITE jeans from about a year ago that I haven't been able to fit into...They fit I mean they were snug but even being able to pull them all they way up I would have been happy about but I could sing for being able to zip them also!! :) I couldn't be happier with Farrell's at this time! Brad and I were talking and he said if you've improved this much already can you imagine what you'll look like in an other 8 weeks?

Personal Goal #1: Get up 10 minutes earlier than I have been.
Personal Goal #2: Start preparing at least 2 meals and 1 snack for the next day before going to bed.
Personal Goal #3: Fuel Logs
Personal Goal #4: Start running a mile on resistance days

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Free Day Frenzy... NAH

    Farrell's is like a tripod... there are 3 aspects to making Farrell's (FXB) work! If you are missing or not committed to all three aspects your tripod will fall over...or you won't get the full benefits of the program. One of those "legs" is eating... You are to abide by the dietary portion of FXB 6 days with 1 day to eat those things you have been DYING to eat... I was really proud of myself today even though it was technically my free day I didn't go crazy I pretty much stuck to eating healthy with the exception of a piece of cake and a couple potato chips at my mom's house! However it was a father's day gathering so considering that I think I could have done a lot worst!! Other than that not much to report Had a busy weekend from my husband's birthday to the farmers market then photographing a wedding on Saturday (Click here to see photos). Then father' day at my dad's & then at my mom's where we blew up "Mr. Shark" B's new inflatable playhouse/slide they kids all had SOOOO much fun and I must admit I had fun spraying all of them with the hose as they played on it!! I'm looking forward to Farrell's tomorrow morning but for now I'm going to bed!! Hope everyone had a great weekend and Father's Day!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Belt Please!...wait, What?

     Week 1 of Farrell's is almost to an end and I know it seems bizarre and unlikely but yes I need a belt to keep my jeans up! I bought a pair of jeans 2 weeks ago (what was I thinking knowing a week later I would be starting FXB?!) well those jeans and all my others require a belt or to be pulled up constantly! CRAZINESS

    On our first upper body resistance (bands) day I was worried about a photo shoot that was scheduled later that morning. I was worried my arms would be so soar I wouldn't be able to hold my camera up! Thank goodness I was able to! All of the instructors have been great so far they and I love that when they are showing you how to do the particular move (or exercise) correctly they don't point you out and make you feel like an idiot! And let's face it mostly all of us newbies need corrected on our "technique" at this point! I can already do more sit ups and push ups in a minute than when I did my initial evaluation. As far as the work outs go they are awesome... even though I don't quite have the technique down, I know it will come with time. I unfortunately can't attend the techniques class tomorrow since they only have it once and it happens to be on a Saturday (which conflicts with a wedding so I have to go to the 6am resistance class).

    As far as eating goes... It seems like I eat more than I did before I started FXB and it's amazing that in a weeks time I've discovered new things that SURPRISE I really enjoy eating and here's the kicker it's HEALTHY! The biggest challenge for me I knew would be drinking enough water! I hate water unless it's FREEZING cold. In the first week I've done A LOT better than I thought! Today I've already drank the recommended amount of water and it's not even 5pm!!

    What else has changed in this first week? I doesn't quite make sense that when I am getting up early and being a lot more active than "normal" that I have more energy and motivation to do a lot more things! After FXB in the morning I get home and grab Harley (our puppy) and take him for a walk around the block (which I would like to figure out how far it is). Then when I get home I clean something... dishes, laundry, today I weeded my front yard an activity I don't think I've done in the past 5-10 years. I'm sure my husband is thanking his lucky stars.

It's been an amazing and successful first week I'm thrilled to see what the next 9 weeks has in store for me!

New Personal Goal #1: Make a conscious effort to keep my "core" tight! 
Goal #2: Food diary!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day One ... Monday Morning Kickboxing

I have to admit I didn't get as much sleep as I should have last night! I didn't get to bed until 11ish and than I woke up at 4:30. I was so excited, nervous, and having a little anxiety about my picture being taken and for class I really couldn't get back to sleep. I am defiantly NOT a morning person so it was a little bizarre I couldn't get back to sleep...

I got to Farrell's got my picture taken, (Which I'll post on the first blog when I have it) Then it was on the mat's I was glad that I knew S from testing because it is a little intimating looking around at all these new faces. To me working out is when I feel the most self conscious and vulnerable... "Omg is my fat flying around everywhere", "How big does my butt look right now", "I am drenched I hope people don't think I'm a heifer",... You get the point!! My point, knowing someone was nice! My Coach (who I will call Coach A) was really nice and encouraging so that was phenomenal as well. When the work out got going I remember looking at the clock thinking OMG 10minutes in my arms are already soar and I'm probably going to die! LOL the funny things we tell our selves. Personal Goal: Mentally Encourage Myself. I CAN DO IT and it may hurt but GET OVER IT! It was nonstop cardio mixed with lots of stuff HAHA. At one point once we moved to the kickboxing portion of it I got light headed and had to step out for a moment. The first intense work out I do when I'm starting back up I always do this. I feel like such a drama queen/wimp when it happens but I didn't feel like I was being judged! I think my problem was...not breathing correctly! Personal Goal #2: Take time to think about breathing CORRECTLY!!

So class went great on my first day. When I got home I let Harley (my 4month old puppy) out and ran most of the way down the street with him and then walked back so he could do his business. Harley will probably LOVE running by the end of the 10 weeks I'd like to do this every morning with him! Today his first day running he did better than I though he mostly jumped while he was running. What a Cutie Pie!!

This program is defiantly going to be challenging and difficult at times but I'm excited. LET'S DO THIS! :)


Personal Goals:
#1 ~ Mentally Encourage Myself
#2 ~ Take time to think about breathing CORRECTLY!!

Team Goals: (Goals set by Coach A for everyone)
#1 ~ Figure out what works for you to have before class (protein shake, banana etc...)
#2 ~ Learn everyone's names

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day Zero...Testing

Hello my name is Leslie. I've just signed up for Farrell's Extreme Body Shaping. What is this you might ask... Well it is a 10 week program to get you butt and life in shape. I do mean that pretty literally really.

Yesterday was the introduction day for me and a group member I'll refer to as "S." We both are unable to the real orientation on June 11th since I'm photographing a wedding in Alta, IA...3 hours away and S is in a wedding. So we did our testing early with the people just finishing their 10 week regiment. After completing this testing I decided I should blog my experience... SOOOO here I am!

      Let me tell you why I'm doing this blog and Farrell's. At 26 I don't feel like my inside matches what I see in the mirror. I looked my best when I was in High School, (which back then I thought I was fat... I was an idiot!) Now I am married and have 2 children, a 2.5 year old son and a 4 month old daughter. With my first pregnancy my body didn't spring back to the way it was before, but it defiantly was on it's way back fast than it is now after my 2nd pregnancy. My mom and her Husband J did Farrell's 2 or 3 years ago for the first time and have done it again since, they have been happy with the results in the past and I figured what do I have to loose... Well literally my goal is to loose 30 lbs in 10 weeks but ultimately all I'm really loosing is my mornings in (6am class here I come) and $389.00. Totally worth it in the grand scheme of things!

     Back to the testing (which as embarrassing as it is YES I will post pictures and my stats) We did the Sit and Reach (hello H.S. gym class all over again!) and a minute of Push Ups and Sit ups. After that it was on to the Mile run (FML I HATE RUNNING). The first 3 "events" where totally painless, except for my ego being crushed when I could only do 8 sit ups in a minute, thank you to my to precious babies for that! :) When it came to the mile run I did WAY better than I ever would have guessed!! YAY ME!! The thing that got me very pumped for the FXB program was the team unity I was able to witness by testing early I did my testing with the people that were finished their 10 weeks. Everyone was extremely supportive of their team and everyone around them including S and myself!! But even more than just encouraging each other verbally or with high fives after I got done running the mile there were a few people still finishing and the person that was at the last runner finishing up was not only joined by all the coach's but she was also joined by a majority of her team. And I thought THAT'S AWESOME!! I had considered doing Kosama instead of FXB. When I saw this I knew I 500% made the right decision! :)  Testing may not sound tough but I literally crawled up stairs to my shower when I got home!!! It can only get better from here!!

So Here are the stats...

      Starting Measurements
Arm-  (Will update 6/14)

     Starting weight - (I can't believe I'm sharing this!!) 203lbs

     Look what I can do...
Sit & Reach- (Will update 6/14)
Sit-Ups- 9 (omg don't laugh I tried SO hard I guess my 2 kids are partly to thank for my out of shape abs)
Push Ups-(Will update 6/14)
Mile - 11:45

What do I ask of you as a reader? Support!! If you are a friend and want to do something with me please support me in my goal to shed the pounds and get my butt in gear!! Do you want Ice Cream? I'll watch you eat it then let's walk after! :) Thank you in advance for your support and encouragement!

My Picture will be taken sometime during my first week. I will post it when I have it!