Sunday, June 19, 2011

Free Day Frenzy... NAH

    Farrell's is like a tripod... there are 3 aspects to making Farrell's (FXB) work! If you are missing or not committed to all three aspects your tripod will fall over...or you won't get the full benefits of the program. One of those "legs" is eating... You are to abide by the dietary portion of FXB 6 days with 1 day to eat those things you have been DYING to eat... I was really proud of myself today even though it was technically my free day I didn't go crazy I pretty much stuck to eating healthy with the exception of a piece of cake and a couple potato chips at my mom's house! However it was a father's day gathering so considering that I think I could have done a lot worst!! Other than that not much to report Had a busy weekend from my husband's birthday to the farmers market then photographing a wedding on Saturday (Click here to see photos). Then father' day at my dad's & then at my mom's where we blew up "Mr. Shark" B's new inflatable playhouse/slide they kids all had SOOOO much fun and I must admit I had fun spraying all of them with the hose as they played on it!! I'm looking forward to Farrell's tomorrow morning but for now I'm going to bed!! Hope everyone had a great weekend and Father's Day!!


  1. Sounds great! So what is the eating plan like?

  2. it's kinda like the paleo diet...or a protein diet! but i have to eat every 2.5-3 hours!
