Thursday, June 23, 2011

Well hello! Where have you been the past year?

     Week 2 is almost to an end. I personally can see or at least feel a change in the way my clothes fit! Like I said in my last blog post I now require a belt but better yet that belt needs a new hole!!  Yippee Skippy!! Kick boxing class Wednesday (w/ instructor Steve) was amazing! It was a phenomenal workout! I don't think I've ever sweat SO much in my life! I love how working out feels afterwards even though while doing the work out I'm wondering if I'll keel over!

    Today I tried on a pair of my FAVORITE jeans from about a year ago that I haven't been able to fit into...They fit I mean they were snug but even being able to pull them all they way up I would have been happy about but I could sing for being able to zip them also!! As I looked into the mirror at my rear in these jeans I thought "well hello booty where have you been the past year?" :) I couldn't be happier with Farrell's at this time! Brad and I were talking and he said if you've improved this much already can you imagine what you'll look like in an other 8 weeks?

      Fuel Log (Food log) - I am doing alright with this but it's really hard getting used to completely changing your eating habit and knowing what I can or should eat! That's really my goal right now to focus on that. I need to prepare everything the day before but that's difficult managing my time in putting the kiddos to sleep and then going down stairs to do every thing but even if I prepare 1 or 2 meal (out of my 3 meals & 3 snacks) it seems to help a ton!! I went to Hy-Vee (grocery store) to do a nutrition tour today... to bad I set the wrong time in my phone for it so I will have to go a different day I was bummed because I was really looking forward to go!

    Today I tried on a pair of my FAVORITE jeans from about a year ago that I haven't been able to fit into...They fit I mean they were snug but even being able to pull them all they way up I would have been happy about but I could sing for being able to zip them also!! :) I couldn't be happier with Farrell's at this time! Brad and I were talking and he said if you've improved this much already can you imagine what you'll look like in an other 8 weeks?

Personal Goal #1: Get up 10 minutes earlier than I have been.
Personal Goal #2: Start preparing at least 2 meals and 1 snack for the next day before going to bed.
Personal Goal #3: Fuel Logs
Personal Goal #4: Start running a mile on resistance days

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